I’m going to start this post with a big sigh of contentment. Why? Because a few weeks ago I got to combine a few of my favorite things: family, farm, and food.
We were in the middle of August right after a rainstorm week. That’s weird—we never have rain in Oklahoma in August. But, hey, I’m not complaining, and the fescue in my yard sure isn’t complaining either. The cooler weather gave me a chance to take my two girls and a handful of their cousins on a field trip to High Fence Farm in Sand Springs, Oklahoma.
One of the reasons I love homeschooling is that it provides the opportunity to grab my kids and see what life has to offer outside our four walls.
Today, behind that high fence, life had a bountiful surprise for us—a postage stamp size “farm” met farmer’s market. At High Fence Farm visitors can meander along neatly trimmed grass pathways through the garden, taste the grapes, and experience the sights and smells of herbs and freshly picked produce.
Suzan and Wayne Hatcher are the owners of the four-acre High Fence Farm, affectionately named after the tall fence surrounding the farm, which keeps the deer and other nibblers at bay. Suzan and Wayne are steadfast in the care of their delightful garden that is a perfect representation of the love they invest. All four acres are crammed full of fresh fruits, vegetables, and attractive plantings. They pack lots of produce into every thoughtfully laid out patch, which gets rotated every year. Wayne also tests their soil yearly to make sure the needs of every plant are met. He will supplement with 10-20-10 fertilizer if needed.
Suzan and Wayne are precisely what you’d hope for–down to earth (literally), engaging, and attentive. They gave us an hour tour and pointed out the names of the plants, trees, and shrubs. They helped us dig up sweet potatoes, pick a few apples, and, as we watched, Wayne danced through row after row of 4 feet high okra ending up with an entire bucket brimming with freshly picked okra.
Their farm even boasts an apple orchard. Suzan and Wayne are no strangers to perseverance, for, in the spring of 2015, a tornado decimated their orchard. After that year, they spent countless hours hunting the best apple tree varieties and digging, staking, and pruning in the aftermath of the tornado. Thankfully, the ancient pecan trees were spared when the apple trees weren’t so lucky.
Marin and I can attest that there’s nothing like grabbing a freshly picked apple and tasting the juice right on the farm. I especially liked their Gala variety.
Their farm is even complete with the resident farm dog Katy.
All spring and summer long, the farm has an excellent choice of fresh pickings. It’s best to contact them before arriving, and their website always has essential garden tips and a list of what’s currently available at the farm.
Here is what I made from my haul from
High Fence Farm:
Zesty Zoodle Marinara
Skillet Granola Apple Crisp
The day after the main menu was planned, eaten and consumed, I still had a vast assortment of okra to eat. One of my mother’s favorite dishes is fried okra. To celebrate our massive bowl we gathered at High Fence Farm, we met at my house and enjoyed a plate together.
I introduced her to a seasoning mix that I would have never found if my family didn’t have to be gluten-free: Hodgson Mill Seasoned Coating Mix, which you can find here.
The Hodgson Mill Seasoned Coating Mix is perfectly seasoned, and all you have to do is pop it in a bag, give it a shake, and fry it up in a pan.
My mouth is watering all over again just staring at the picture. Fried okra anyone?

I love the idea of giving your kids a real hands-on farm experience. And what a great way to end the outing by cooking what they picked themselves. Memories in the making!
I agree about giving giving the kids experience. They might like their vegetables more if they know how they were grown, or even if they grew the vegetables themselves!